Monday, May 10, 2010

missing my precious

i associate songs and movies and books and perfume fragrances and colours and cities and hang-out places (within a city) with different people and different times.

like today i was travelling from VT to chembur on harbour railway line and was crazily missing this guy ( i took the same route to meet him when he was here and very very frequently). like insane! like mad! it was such an overwhelming feeling, felt like something stuck in my throat refusing to be gulped down. it was very unsettling and it took quiet an effort to keep sitting in the train. nostalgia at its highest ever in my life.

after some time, i was distracted by the work i was going there for but the moment i was done, it hit me again with a thud. unwilling to contain it longer, i let go. i stopped pretending to be strong and mature and went with the flow. i allowed that feeling to carry me to to wherever it wanted me to go and whatever it wanted me to experience. my eyes were moist and body went numb. i was missing the dearest and the most important person in my life.

i had to put this feeling down in words. i wanted to document it because i have never missed anyone so much ever before. it still feels heavy and choked but i guess it will be for sometime now.

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