Thursday, August 4, 2011

In the middle of sea, changing the boats AGAIN

Its a familiar discomfort and an acquainted anxiety. Hoping for the best and struggling for stronger belief and conviction while still bravely battling the fear of failure.

Last four years have been particularly adventurous, thanks to my efforts to 'follow my heart' honestly and get myself out there, out of my comfort zone and venturing into new avenues for new experiences. Keyword: follow my heart.

July 2010 marked a professional transition from journalism to social media. And this is so important because I have been nurturing my journalism ambitions since my school days, specifically since the 9th standard (grade). I have written about the 5Ws (why, when, what, who, where) & 1H (how) of this episode here. 

It has been a year since then and I am in the process of changing the boats again. In the middle of the sea.

I am happy to tell that I have found an almost perfect combination of two of my major interests - journalism and social media. PhD in new media journalism is my next journey, and yes I realize a rather long one.

While studying the course structure and requirements of American universities, I realized the lack of emphasis on research in Indian higher learning. Apart of the dissertation and a seminar paper, there is no other academic research experience I have. No paper presentations. No conferences. But a lot of internships.
I agree when this WSJ article quotes- “Basically, most of [India’s] B-schools are glorified placement agencies.” 
Correction: Not just B-schools, C-schools too. 

But the journey is more exciting, dangerous yes, but exciting too when against the tide. Or so I would like to believe, at least for sometime now! 

There are some serious tense moments when all seems bleak and too risky, morning panic attacks are the worst. But again what is life living in a bubble? There are awesome friends to take care of my confidence, always with convincing, supporting words. 

I can almost imagine myself standing at the end of the boat, looking at the new one waiting for me but then suddenly turning back to see all these people right behind me, exhorting and empathizing (empathy is cool).

However, the ropes are being drawn and necessary equipments gathered. The shift to the new boat will happen soon and successfully, I hope.  

Even if I drown, no worries because I know how to swim ;)