Wednesday, June 2, 2010

welcome again, anje!

I am not the types to confront anyone no matter how simple or complicated or significant or insignificant the issue. Like i mentioned before, there are very few people close to me but then they KNOW me and know everything about me and all of them are well aware that i cannot confront.

This has proven to be bad for me because i have lost and distanced myself from some really precious people but only for a brief period. I, later, always make sure i have my people at any cost and saying 'sorry' and patching up is not a big price any ways. Yeah, definitely, if i can solve the misunderstanding (it is usually a misunderstanding and not even a serious issue!) in the first place then i don't even have to bear their absence but that is proving to be bit difficult at the moment. I am working on it.

And today was the reconciliation day with one of my darling friend, Anjelina. We have been friends since childhood and would walk to school everyday. She has been by my side during my teen years and patiently heard the details of my every crush and the 'this-is-it!-this-is-the-guy-for-me' affairs! Then, we used to have walks in our colony and played these silly but cute games about who got the maximum looks from the dudes! Ok, i know it is funny but we were hot-blooded teenagers! ;)

She is the most easily adorable person and has a wacky, absolutely crazy sense of humour. With her around, I bet you cannot be not laughing for more than a minute! and in spite of such intense love and admiration for her, we were apart for a year due to a silly misunderstanding.

It was easy getting back though. All it took was one phone call and we were back to our usual selves. I just love her and love her love for life and her courage and her style! she is the sort of girl who inspires me and makes me happy about life! :)

was just thinking how simple it is, sometimes, to get back to some people. for the past five months i was contemplating talking to her but was reluctant because i was unsure of her reaction. feared that things may get worse but the impulsive individual that i am, i just called her today. actually, i had to call her today and i am happy i did!

got a friend back! :) had been missing her for a long time now!

cheers to us, anje! love you heaps! xoxoxox

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