Friday, April 23, 2010


was listening to songs while writing the previous post. the songs were -

said i loved you but i lied - michael bolton
she's all i ever had - ricky martin
kiss me - six pence none the richer
you sang to me - marc anthony

listening to these after quite a while. was nice. like the second one.

just for records sake! ;)

playing host

i love playing host! i love having people over and cooking for them, arranging things perfectly for them. i love to see people have a good time and i love to be a part of it. i go out of my way to do all this.

i make good pasta and remember this one time last year when i had five of my graduation friends over and my parents were not home and i made pasta! pasta for seven people(seven including me and my brother) and i had these drinks and had made garlic bread at home. it was quite a task to cook and serve all of that and also, make sure they're having a good time. but i like that nervousness and pressure. its nice being reason and part of someone's happiness.

oh! and my house has to be prim and proper for all these occasions. all things in place and clean and shiny. clean bedsheets and happy curtains. lots of cushions and healthy splash of colours around. vibrant and cheerful. comfortable and cosy. clean and simple. so, there is a whole lot of efforts in the pre-cooking stage and includes all of this - cleaning rooms, arranging things and managing colours and music.

i am more a house-party sort of a person. i enjoy it more than lounges, pubs and clubs. it is not messy, not unnecessarily filled with strangers, loud music and lack of lights. house parties are cozy and comfortable, relevant and more fun. so,when i host one i am very particular about everything major, minor and minutest!

today, had one of the bestest friend from SIMC (my post-grad), Vinaya, over and since its summer, i had planned to start off with a mango shake. hakka noodles and manchurian. chocolate swiss roll and butterscotch ice-cream. the interesting part is all this was planned for lunch and she came home only by 9.30 pm (due to personal reasons!) and so, all of these were not served in the order i had planned but served nonetheless! :P

Thursday, April 22, 2010

love this place! :)

Yes! i am obsessed with my blog! this is the n'th time i am visiting it today and this is third post i am writing today!!! i am thoroughly enjoying this!

i think you have to nurture your blog! take care of it and let it grow into this mature collection of your thoughts. i like this new template and the picture i have put up. just makes this page very cozy and comfortable and very 'me'! think of it, this does make a difference and is a reflection of you in a way and i am happy to finally be able to get this one correct this time! :)

Yea, by the look of this one, its easy to guess that i love the sea! there is something very mystic about the waves and apparent serenity of its surface. it always makes me wonder what else does it hold beneath and really, how much. i am sure if it could speak, it would have some very interesting tales for us! i love the sea and i love sitting at marine drive!

funny part is i dont like to talk much when i'm sitting there. i just observe the waters, the skyline, people and its nice. its being numb in a nice way.

well, coming back to the blog, i was a voracious blogger when i had an account on rediffiland but then i forgot its password and then started with this one. this one was created long time back but i never wrote.

but now i am and like crazy! oh, i love this blog! :)

Five Cities I would like to live in:

Five Cities I would like to live in:

1) Dublin, Ireland
2) Melboune, Australia
3) New York, USA
4) Paris, France
5) Chicago, USA

for the sake of records! the other day on facebook tried out this application which asked me the five cities i would like to live in and i picked up these five. I havent been to any of these places except melbourne. yeah, and something says each of these will be a good place to stay! :) maybe wrong at that one! but its nice to have a list of things like this!its fun!


It has always been the case with me. I can never keep up my blog. It's not that I dont enjoy writing or find it a difficult task. but somehow i can never be sure of the topic. I start thinking of my target-audience and what would they like to read! but i am not sure i have any target audience. I'm not suppose to have i believe.

this is a personal blog and so, the audience is me. It's about me expressing whatever i like and however i like. so, its high time i get rid of the topic-of-the blog conflict and just write!

writing is fun! its so therapeutic. and i really like the way elizabeth gilbert (i liked her book 'eat, pray, love') puts across her ideas on writing. its really simple. write, put it out there and let go!

so, its writing for the sake of writing! for the sake of the fun and fulfilment of writing itself! and the rest, will take care of itself.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Money business

Growing up as a child, I found that my arguments with my mom steered away from whether or not I should talk to boys, whether should i visit 'that' aunty's place, whether i should wear slit skirts or sleeveless tops to money, money and money!

I could successfully defend myself against a whole range of topic from friends to relatives, from clothes to food, from love to marriage and get my way out. But I really got stuck with this money business and how!

I am 23 and going to start my first full-time job in another five days and really where on one hand I fear losing out on a certain carefree behaviour and moments of glorious nothingness, on the other I cannot wait to hold my pay cheque! finally, I will be able to pay for myself and my wants-justified or extravagant.

i am always bothered by questions of morality and going by that, I don't think i come across (at least by this post) as a grounded, family person but this money business really fries me up and i am ready to close this issue once and for all in my life. So, goodbye to you, money-arguments. I am done done done with you.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


everything flows in course
oblivious to your absence
same habits, same chores
same routes with memories old

I volunteer to dive into them
to breathe in the air
which carried your fragrance
to hear my laughter
painted by your words

it seems just like yesterday
when you pulled me close
and whispered your secrets
when i held your hand
and you kissed my forehead

I hope a surprise
is on my way
you come uninformed
and take me away

our beautiful past dreams of
our dazzling future
with the present smilingly approving under

sparkling shower of blessings

I open my eyes
to still find me stuck in old memories
I look around to see
if someone else mourns with me but

unfazed all elements be

I sigh and wish my words

design a poetry

for you to unravel the mysteries

and hear the desires of an awaiting love

My heart stands witness to this

and stroking me gently

whispers to me

"Feed your love courage
and your desires patience
Hold on to those dreams
Erase all doubts and worries
For you'll are meant to be."