Friday, March 22, 2013

More on love & NYC!

Sometime back I proclaimed my love for NYC in this post.

During my extremely productive study breaks these days (more productive than the study session itself! Isn't this always the case?!), I end up reading about "stuff" on the internet. And look what i came across!

Anais Nin here expressing her love for NYC in a simple and yet awesome way: (Yes, awesome it is!)

I’m in love with N.Y. It matches my mood. I’m not overwhelmed. It is the suitable scene for my ever ever heightened life. I love the proportions, the amplitude, the brilliance, the polish, the solidity. I look up at Radio City insolently and love it. It is all great, and Babylonian. Broadway at night. Cellophane. The newness. The vitality. True, it is only physical. But it’s inspiring. Just bring your own contents, and you create a sparkle of the highest power. I’m not moved, not speechless. I stand straight, tough, and I meet the impact. I feel the glow and the dancing in everything. The radio music in the taxis, scientific magic, which can all be used lyrically. That’s my last word. Give New York to a poet. He can use it. It can be poetized. Or maybe that’s a mania of mine, to poetize. I live lightly, smoothly, actively, ears and eyes wide open, alert, oiled! I feel a kind of exhilaration and the tempo is like that of my blood. I’m at once beyond, over and in New York, tasting it fully.

:) What more can I say!
Just that she wrote this in 1934 and the city has maintained its magic till date!

Quoted from here.


P. said...

Wise woman, this Anais Nin. I adore her quotes!

RB said...
